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Leverage the emergent™

Today's complex problems require solutions which comprise not only tactical and strategic vision, but also the capability to penetrate surface reality to identify root causes, hidden variables, and unintended sequellae. Deeply pragmatic assessment coupled with unblinking scrutiny yields game plans which are functional, executable, and human-focused, yet unashamedly aspirational. Ready to test the true limits of your organization's potential? See what Torvex can do for you.

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"Leverage the emergent™," the "Δt" mark, the particular angle of our italic font, and our color, "Torvex Gray" are trademarks of Torvex. All Rights Reserved with Extreme Prejudice.



For the record, I have an important business meeting this morning at 11:00. I plan to use the phrase, "Leverage the emergent", probably in the same sentence as "human-focused". I'm betting no one will bat an eye. I'll keep you posted.

Dear Mr. or Ms. Citizen...
While we are, of course, pleased that you find the language of our organization compelling, please be advised that the phrase, "Leverage the emergent" is property of Torvex, and may only be used pursuant to a properly executed licensing agreement and appropriate payment.

As a human, I'm sure you are attached to your P450 Cytochrome Oxidase. We hold multiple patents on that as well, and we would hate to have to do anything drastic. If you get our drift.

Best Regards.
The Torvex Legal Team

Well, I had my meeting. I didn't end up using both phrases in the same sentence, but here's the individual use results:

The phrase "human-focused" actually went over pretty well. It was smoothly picked up by others in the room. I didn't bother to point out that the alternatives are pretty silly (animal-focused? machine-focused?).

But, "leverage the emergent" was kind of a flop. It just didn't seem to generate any synergies of paradigmatic exemplars, if you know what I mean.

Dear Ms. or Mr. Citizen:
Not being in receipt of your payment for the use of our intellectual property, we have no alternative but to pursue other mechanisms of recourse. I'm sure that you will understand there is nothing personal; this is just business, and we are all rational entities.

The next time you are within range of a cellular tower, you may feel a momentary dizziness, but rest assured, it will only last a short time.

The Torvex Legal Team