4-H car wash at Clements on Sunday

4Hclover-green-145pixels.gifIf you're like me, you wash your car once a year whether it needs it or not. Why not do it while you're shopping at Clements on Sunday and support a good cause. From the press release:

Highland Farms 4-H Dairy Club will be having a car wash on April 26th from 10:30 to 2:30 at Clement's Market in Portsmouth. Members will be washing cars to help raise money so they can go to a Dairy Camp at the end of May and also to buy supplies needed to show their dairy animals this year.

They are asking for a $5 donation for their cause. We hope that you can help support us and look forward to seeing you there. Please help us by telling your parents, friends, and family about our car wash and also pass this e-mail along to anyone you think might be interested in supporting the 4-H. Again we thank you for your support.

Visit the Highland Farms 4-H site
Learn about 4-H on Wikipedia