RI Nexus comes to Salve

RI NexusRI Nexus, the RIEDC-sponsored hub for the the IT and digital media (ITDM) community, will be coming to Salve Regina on Wednesday, April 22 at 11:30am as part of their college tour.

Program director (and Providence Geeks co-founder) Jack Templin will host a discussion with students about technology job opportunities here in Rhode Island as well as demo the tools and resources available in the RI Nexus community.

From the press release:

Through RI Nexus and its College Tour, the Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation aims to forge a deeper connection with Rhode Island’s college students, with a focus on retaining the students in the state after they graduate. The RI Nexus College Tour will encourage students interested in information-technology and digital media to remain in Rhode Island to fill high-paying, entry-level jobs in the sector and to use the resources offered through RI Nexus — such as the job and internship boards and company profiles — to further develop their talent and knowledge of the ITDM sector.

The event is open to the public, and will be at the O’Hare Academic Center, 100 Ochre Point Ave. For more information please visit www.rinexus.com

Full disclosure: I'm a big fan of the work these folks do. IT and digital media is one of the bright spots in this state, and it's great to have a resource like RI Nexus. If you're at all digitally inclined, you should check out the site. And every month I say I'm going to get up to Providence for the Geek Dinner, and every month a local meeting comes up that I need to cover. But one of these days, I will. (Do I sound like a typical Aquidneck Islander complaining about what a LOOOOONG way it is to Providence? Uh, yeah...)