Portsmouth rocks Planet Forward

L-R Frank Sesno, Carol Browner, Rich Talipsky.

Portsmouth Economic Development Committee (PEDC) Chair Rich Talipsky appeared on the PBS show Planet Forward tonight, talking about our new wind turbine with Obama science Advisor Carol Browner, along with RWU student Kyle Toomey who shot the video featured on the program.

You can see all the videos on tonight's Planet Forward show page

Congratulations to the PEDC for their hard work that put Portsmouth in the national spotlight. And, again, let's give ourselves a collective pat on the back for passing the bond to build this turbine.

ProJo story on RWU team that shot the video
Portsmouth EDC Sustainable Energy site
Previous turbine coverage here in the tag WTG.
Wind Turbine photos by: Bruce Ryerson, Portsmouth photographer Judy Tate, and a couple of mine