WTG update: Surely, tomorrow...

WTG in the snow
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Although a note earlier today from Portsmouth EDC chair Rich Talipsky said there might be a lull in the wind today that would allow them to lift the blades into position, there was nothing happening at the site when I popped over there on my lunch hour. An AAER representative said they were doing work inside the structure, and they might have a window tomorrow around noon.

One of the comments on a previous post noted how much this has come to resemble "Waiting for Godot." (h/t English!)

Time has stopped.

(cuddling his watch to his ear). Don't you believe it, Sir, don't you believe it. (He puts his watch back in his pocket.) Whatever you like, but not that.

Why not take this opportunity while we wait for a break in the wind to read Samuel Beckett's masterpiece in its entirety. Available on SamuelBeckett.net.