Park Avenue Washout

I'm so glad that RIDOT doesn't feel Portsmouth's Escape Bridge is critical to repair. That was the only way out of Island Park this morning if you didn't have a vehicle with a lot of clearance. You really want our school busses to have no choice but drive through this, RIDOT Director Lewis?

Dec 12, 2008 Park Ave

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(Apologies to Bruce Springsteen)


I know your reference to Springsteen was more whimsical than substantive, but take it through to the metaphorical conclusion. If this was "Park Avenue Freeze Out" instead of washout, those school buses would have the choice of a bridge beyond their weight limit or a quarter mile pond of ice.

And the DOT says we'll just "keep an eye on it" but don't worry because we'll be awash in cash after we put the $2.50 toll on the new Sakonnet River Hutchinson Gray Verrazzano Bridge.

Perhaps we need to "Brand" the Escape Bridge - Like the DOT did with 195. The "Escapeway" has a nice ring to it!