Ottiano responds: RIRSCC "reckless"

Received this response from candidate Christopher Ottiano about the vicious mail attack on Sen. Levesque by the State Republican Committee.

Mr. McDaid,
I learned of the ads on Sunday morning when a relative of mine told me he received one in the mail Saturday. I immediately sent an email to Senator Levesque to make sure he knew I had nothing to do with its creation or distribution. He (and anyone who knows me) knows that this is not how I do things. The reckless way the Republican central party behaves is why they never gain ground in our state. Candidates, like myself, who spend so much time doing things the proper way are undermined by this. I have spent months expressing my plans and opinions for tighter immigration control, conservative spending, no new taxation, and a pro-business plan. Their choice to put this together in such a negative way is in no way endorsed by my campaign. I have already asked my website manager to state this in a bold way on our website. Thank you for your concern and I am sorry for any hard feelings that they have created.

Christopher Ottiano


I suppose we should take Chris Ottiano at his word that he had no advance knowledge of the mailing sent by the Republican Central Committee. Still, it seems awfully odd (and at first blush strains credulity) that the State Republican Central Committee would take it upon itself to send out ANY mailing without the candidate's knowledge. Ottiano's rapid disavowal of the mailing supports his assertion that he knew nothing about it in advance and that this sort of (in his words) "reckless" behavior on the part of the Republican central party is an example of "why they never gain ground in our state." Perhaps he should follow the example of Lincoln Chafee and reconsider why it is that he is a Republican.

Hi, Viking...
I do believe Dr. Ottiano, given his harsh rebuke of the Central Committee.

But it does, as you say, make one wonder why anyone would want to belong to a party. I can't imagine they helped his image with Portsmouth voters.
