RI Repubs desperate and ugly attack on Levesque

Republican Levesque mail
click image to embiggen.

Yesterday's post brought a truly sick, desperate piece of direct mail from the Rhode Island Republican State Central Committee which basically says that State Senator Chuck Levesque will CRUSH YOU TO DEATH. Seriously. Broken glass and blood spatters. Is this what counts as political discourse from RI Republicans?

Let's look at what's really being argued here. Requiring everyone on the road to get a driver's license. Is the RI Republican State Central Committee's position that getting a license makes people more likely to CRUSH you? Is our testing and licensing system so borked that it actually makes drivers worse? Is this really the best idea they can come up with to argue for their candidate?

Maybe that explains why Republican challenger Ottiano was a no-show up at the East Bay Newspapers online chat Friday. Moderator Scott Pickering and the candidates spent an hour discussing State finance, alternative tax proposals, school funding formulas, and green energy. Levesque offered thoughtful, informed answers that confirmed my sense that he is the right person to continue to represent us in the State Senate.

Let's not reward xenophobic fear mongering. Chuck Levesque has represented us well, and I urge everyone to support him on Tuesday.


I am so glad you posted this. My husband and I talked about it after it arrived in yesterday's mail. The timing is such that there is no way for people to respond in letters to the editor about the repulsive conflation of details - right down to the blood stains on the yellow lines - into a condemnation of Mr. Levesque, someone who has served our state and local communities well. Hopefully, voters will see through this shameless fearmongering and vote for Levesque if ONLY out of an anti-Ottiano vote.

On a related note, we woke this morning to find a plastic bag containing local republican propaganda - a general Republican newspaper-ish thing, and palm cards for Jeff Plumb, Keith Hamilton, and Joe Robicheau - all weighted down with a rock. We brought ours in with the morning paper and threw it away. Later this morning, we went for a walk in our neighborhood and down along the Braman's Lane neighborhoods. Given the breezy morning, the area is now scattered with these materials, since the bags were weighted but not sealed. Way to go, folks. I guess that since none of their literature mentions any environmental or open space issues, at least it's not hypocrisy. I do plan to go to www.portsmouthrepublicans.com and ask them to come out and clean up their mess. I invite anyone else who has seen this to do the same.


"Sakkonnett" - really? Do you not live in this state? And the little disclaimer at the bottom left of the backside does NOT excuse Ottiano from responsibility for this junk.

Completely agree. I am someone who has been involved in local politics for over 25 years and I have never seen a more disgusting piece of campaign literature, (and I understand that description demeans all other literature by association). If you are as offended as I am, I urge you to contact Dr. Ottiano at campaign@electdrchris.com and let him know. The only way this type of stuff will stop is if we tell the candidates just how much it hurts, not helps. And the Republican State Central Committee? Really? That conjures up all kinds of images. What dark and gloomy fortress of evil hosts those meetings? As we debate issues including gov't wiretapping, torture, Gitmo, immigration, voter ID, etc., the last thing I need as I go to vote Tuesday is the thought of being approacehed by someone from the "Party Central Committee" who "vants to zee my papers".

Hi, English, old timer...
Thanks for your comments. And for the suggestion to let Dr. Ottiano know how this comes across to voters.

I've sent him an e-mail and cc'd the public relations person at Newport Hospital, since he uses their image in his TV ads. If I receive any response, I'll post it.
