Garman launches latest local history

James Garman
Judy Crosby of Island Books introduces historian James Garman.

Local historian James Garman launched his latest book, Looking Back: Historic Tales of Newport County, with a talk and signing this evening at Island Books in Middletown.

Calling the study of history a "great investment," Garman urged more people to take an interest in our rich local stories.

Published by Hamilton Printing here in Island Park, Garman's new book provides an illustrated look at historical moments from all of the communities on Aquidneck Island, with images culled from the scores of photo albums he's collected over the years.

You can find a nice writeup by Bruce Burdett in the Sakonnet Times about Garman and the new book. Why not pop down to Island Books on East Main Road and pick up a copy?


Great to see Mr. Garman still keeping the rich history of Portsmouth alive. He has got to have the greatest collection of local history of anyone in the state. Keep up the great work!!!

I'm absolutely floored!

Gee, Interested Observer, couldn't you think of some way, any way at all, to make your comment somehow slam Rice or Levesque or the democrats just like you do in every other post you've ever put here since you signed up 3 weeks ago?

I have a side wager going on that "Interested Observer" won't be so interested and we'll never see any posts from him/her again as soon as the elections are over.

Posts from Interested Observer: The hard deadlines equivalent of lawn signs.

Don't be mean. No need to be mean. 'Cause, remember: no matter where you go... [pause] there you are.
— Buckaroo Banzai (via Wikiquote)

Also at IMDB

Not that any Democratic blogger on this site would use the forum to "slam" any Republican, fellow Democrat or Independent: see, Tailgunner and Fail in above article, you hypocrite.

Hi, interested observer...
I do not consider holding public officials or those who enter the public sphere accountable for their behavior to be slamming. Just so you know.


Term used by Knowledgeable not me. I actually agree with holding our officials accountable. I am just not sure you are the person to do that because you have a Dem perspective. I have not seen you hold our current council accountable for the transfer station gaff of not advertising the bid or the closed door meeting to give Mr. Driscoll a new 3 year contract without public discussion. I find it interesting that the Democratic Committee is praising the current surplus in one breathe and them saying that they are for maintaining our infrastructure in there ads when most of the surplus is from putting off a warrant item to repair our roads. Sorry for the run on sentence, just food for thought.

Hi, interested observer...
Guess we just fundamentally disagree on what constitutes action requiring comment. But I am happy to hear your point of view.

If you don't find my perspective useful, fine. The wingnuts in town are well represented elsewhere. I am clearly not the person to do that, and I could never compete in that space.
