Moore releases new film free on Web

Michael Moore
Photo courtesy Brave New Films

Michael Moore has been standing up for our true American ideals for 20 years with films like Roger and Me and Fahrenheit 9/11, and in the spirit of the Internet, he and distributor Brave New Films are making his latest movie, Slacker Uprising , available for free on the net. The film documents Moore's 62-city tour during the 2004 Presidential election, as he sought to engage and energize young voters.

"This is being done entirely as a gift to my fans," said Moore in a release. "The only return any of us are hoping for is the largest turnout of young voters ever at the polls in November. I think 'Slacker Uprising' will inspire millions to get off the couch and give voting a chance."

You can watch the film online, or download it for viewing in your copious free time. Go grab it at Underwear and ramen noodles not included. I'm watching it right now. It rocks.