No, Lisa, it's pronounced "nuke-you-lar"

Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo has been working the story that broke in Spanish media yesterday about John McCain, in a radio interview, responding to a question about Prime Minister Jose Zapatero of Spain as if he was a Latin American leader. You can hear the original interview audio here.

About two minutes in, the interviewer asks if he would meet with Zapatero, and McCain replies with a boilerplate response about "have to look at the relations" and being willing to meet with those who share our goals, and goes on to yammer about Mexico. So she tries again, three more times. Explicitly says "I'm talking about the president of Spain," and still gets the same generic answer.

Opinion is divided as to whether this presages some new hard-line neocon stance against one of our NATO allies, or McCain just doesn't know...uh... where Spain is?

Update: The story has been picked up by Time Magazine. They're in the "neocon not inviting Spain to the cool kids party" camp. But if that were true, you would think McCain would have said something that indicated assent to the interviewer's clarification on Spain. Listen for yourself and see what you think.


it's pronounced "nuke-you-Liar".

By the way, this news item as of this writing has been broadly picked up. I thought is was bad enough he doesn't know Shiite from Sunni, but please please please tell me he knows NATO members from not NATO members. I mean, even if he looses the election and goes back to the Senate he should know who our allies are.

Hi, Portsmouth Citizen...
LOL. Nuke-you-liar indeed. Although, truth be told, I do suspect that McCain does know where Spain is. I don't know what time this interview was conducted, but it may just have been that he was tired and inattentive and missed the whole "what country are we talking about" thing.

Although in some ways, that does kind of make it worse. You don't want the leader of the free world, with his hand on the nuclear trigger, to have one of those momentary lapses of attention at the wrong time. Reminds me of that moment in Buckaroo Banzai, from the long ago days of another graying "maverick" President...

Mission Control: Buckaroo, The White House wants to know is everything ok with the alien space craft from Planet 10 or should we just go ahead and destroy Russia?

Buckaroo Banzai: Tell him yes on one and no on two.

Mission Control: Which one was yes, go ahead and destroy Russia... or number 2?
— Via IMDB

We don't need a rerun of the 80s. Let's stay frosty, people.
