Lege passes Net Metering

Yesterday was a green day in the Lege, with a bunch of bills supporting renewable energy moving through both houses (you can see the release here) and the most important, for Portsmouth, was the approval of Net Metering, which will give the town full credit for all the electricity produced by the planned Wind Turbine Generator.

Currently, the town would only get full credit for the electricity used directly at the high school. Here's the money quote, from both the Senate and House versions:

"Any Rhode Island city or town, educational institution, farm, or the Narragansett Bay Commission may elect to apply any such credits earned to another account owned by it."

So we can offset not just the power consumed at the high school, but our rising energy costs across the town.

Of course it ain't over til it's over, but Governor Carcieri has been a strong supporter of alternative energy, and I would hope for a quick signature. Our WTG just got a whole lot more valuable.