Newport Hospital opens imaging center in Portsmouth

Diagnostic Imaging CenterNewport Hospital CEO Arthur Sampson and donor Noreen Stonor Drexel cut the ribbon this morning on a new diagnostic imaging center on Turnpike Avenue in Portsmouth. A group of about 50 donors and staff from the hospital heard about the importance of this new center to the hospital — where their current MRI was at capacity.

The new building, occupying the site of the old Aquidneck Medical Associates office, was custom-built for the imaging center, and it sports a modern yet warm design, with wood floors and gentle colors that make it feel more like your doctor's office than an anonymous warehouse for big machines.

MRI at the Portsmouth imaging center.

But no question, the machines here are impressive: State-of-the-art Siemens digital X-ray, multislice CT, and a 1.5 Tesla high-field MRI that will provide sub-millimeter resolution with scan times as low as 15 minutes, according to the tour guide. A digital mammography suite will be online next week, rounding out the suite of high-tech equipment the equal of anything you find in Providence or at the hospital.

"This might sound like an Islander," Sampson joked, "But this means you won't have to drive all the way down to Newport."

Congratulations to Newport Hospital, and thanks to all the donors who helped make this possible. A great new facility for folks here in Portsmouth.