RIDOT posts Escape Bridge

Don't imagine that Director Michael P. Lewis will be on hand with news crews and fancy ribbons when RIDOT slinks into town today to post a 10-ton weight limit on the Escape bridge. A recent inspection noticed problems, so large vehicles will need to seek alternate routes. Including school buses. Here's the scoop:

RIDOT inspects all of its bridges once every two years. The latest inspection and load rating analysis for the Cove Bridge showed some areas of deterioration in its concrete beams. This recent inspection prompted RIDOT to set its weight limit at 10 tons. Due to this posting, RIDOT will increase the frequency of its inspection process for this bridge.

All passenger vehicles (cars, pick up trucks, SUVs, vans) are permitted to pass over the bridge. With the new weight restriction, all trucks and school buses will need to seek alternate routes. Vehicles in excess of 10 tons seeking access to the Island Park Business District should use Exit 2 off of Route 24 to Boyds Lane. Drivers unsure of the weight of their vehicles should consult their registration, which lists the vehicle’s gross weight.
— via RIDOT press release

"Drivers unsure of the weight of their vehicles should consult their registration?" WTF? What freaking planet are these people from?

Can't wait to see what this does to the bus schedule tomorrow. Thanks for the great maintenance, guys!


So, you wanna know what happened to the bus schedule?
My Middle School daughter's pickup location is (or should I say "was") the intersection of Hummock Ave. and Riverside St. We were informed rather unceremoniously yesterday that her new bus stop -- until further notice -- is at the 15 Point Rd. Restaurant, which is a half-mile away, along the very busy - and often sped-upon - stretch of Point Rd./ Hummock Ave. which crosses the Escape Bridge. The two children who board the bus at this stop are the first students in the Island Park run. What we're trying to make happen is that Laidlaw changes it so that a Common Fence Point bus comes our way first, rather than putting us out. I'll certainly let you know how this pans out.
They can't expect a child to walk a half-mile to a bus stop (not that a half-mile is far, but it's the principle of the thing, and that's a dangerous stretch of road, not to mention that the kids are often carrying musical instruments and occasionally heavy packs).

I should have waited a half hour before posting the above.
Laidlaw has indeed seen fit to shift the bus routes such that a CFP bus will be making the trip to the other side of the tracks to pick up my kids.
A good move -- but they should have figured that one out yesterday.
Anyway, alls well that ends well, I s'pose.

Hi, Chris...
At least they figured out a a solution -- that would be a heck of a long walk over the bridge. That's a relief.
