KMareka on "Bitter"

David Jaffe over at has the most human take I've read on the Obama quote firestorm. If you want a reasoned, insightful haven from the spin-cycle rhetoric, take a peek.

Are we really so effed up in this country that the truth may not be spoken?


for saying that about david jaffe. he is the best, and his thoughtful posts are always worth reading. hillary clinton can wave guns and smile, but americans know that when we go to the grocery store or look at our children's education that something needs to change.

Hi, spectral_ev...
Thanks very much for your comment. Kmareka is on my must-read list every day, and Jaffe really nailed this one, as far as I'm concerned.

As a hardcore Democrat, I will not say anything bad about Hilary. But the wall-to-wall misrepresentation of Obama's remarks by right-wing media (and local soi disant think tanks) has been nauseating.
