Aquidneck Island water forum tonight

The Coalition for Water Security, a partnership of many of the state’s leading environmental and economic groups, will join the Aquidneck Island Planning Commission (AIPC) to host a special forum on water issues tonight, from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. at the CCRI Newport Campus Auditorium.

"Our Water Future: Rhode Island and Aquidneck Island," will discuss the challenges of managing our state’s shared water supplies to equitably support a vibrant economy and a healthy environment, with a closer look at the issues from the vantage point of the residents of Aquidneck Island.

Doors open at 6:30 for refreshments and conversation, followed by a program featuring a dozen of Rhode Island's luminaries, including State Senate Marjority leader Teresa Paiva-Weed, Save the Bay's Jane Austin, Clean Water Action's Sheila Darmody, the AIPC's Tina Dolen, and Ted Clemnt of the Aquidneck Island Land Trust.

Visit Save the Bay for more info and registration.