Obama ralliy liveblogged by Matt Jerzyk at RI Future

Ten thousand people in Providence today. Obama and Patrick Kennedy had to talk to half of them outside in the rain. Matt Jerzyk lays it down. Go read it. It's awesome.

"Hope is not blind optimism... Hope is believing and working and fighting for things... Nothing worthwhile in this country has ever happened unless someone was willing to hope..."
— via RI Future

Jerzyk has a followup with more pics, too.


Thanks Jerzyk,
While it may have been rewarding at a personal level to attend
the rally event, my confidence is not raised by the euphoria
for Senator Obama ready and able to take on the sinister tactics
of the opposing party's candidate who can do no wrong by
the visual media, their sweetheart.

Barack is treated kindly and Hillary can do no right by the press.
Yes, just watching Tim Russert's demeanor when questioning Hillary,
does not seem fair and balanced given the constant badgering
and repetitive questioning following an answer by Senator Clinton.
Hillary has been there and has several T-shirts, while Obama still has
to be tested. Each candidate's legacy is clear to me and it is not based
on speeches, but following their accomplishments and leadership style over many years. We need a strong president and I do not mean another eight
years of the last eight years, 100-year wars, victory all over the world,
and going it alone.

"Keep hope alive...."


Hi, Wernerlll...
I must be missing a circuit in my head somewhere, but I just can't understand how to feel negative about idea of ten thousand Rhode Islanders getting excited about a presidential candidate.

While I do think that either of the Democratic candidates would do a great job, my preference would be a candidate who believes that change happens from the bottom up, not from an echo chamber of Beltway insiders. If that's experience, I'll take the "untested" candidate with the intelligence, vision, and ability to reach across boundaries to get the job done.


Hi -j,
Thanks for your comments. It's fine, but you forget the Republicans and their Swiftboaters, and I think after Florida, and Ohio, my speculation for this year is Colorado, unless the California Initiative goes through this summer to give the looser 20 of the electorate college unstead of winner takes all. I hope not.

Today is the defining event anyway unless one or the other wins by a nose?

