Lege group aims for fairness, respect, and civil rights

State legislators announced a package of legislation — including bills from our own Sen. Chuck Levesque — aimed at affirming civil rights and opportunity. The 10-bill "Camnpaign for Fairness, Respect, and Civil Rights" includes measures to ensure access and legal protection regardless of immigration status, according to a state-house news release:

Members of the campaign said thousands of immigrants from countries across the world make Rhode Island their home, build their families here, and tie their future to that of Rhode Island- making important positive economic, social and cultural impacts.

However, they said, there are some individuals who are creating a message of fear. What this fear creates is a Rhode Island where because of your accent, the color of skin or your country of heritage you may be denied access to education, housing and work. That is not the future we want to for our communities or our children, they said.

“The Rhode Island we want for our children and future generations is one that values all individuals rather than promotes discrimination based on real or perceived immigration status,” said Senator Pichardo (D-Dist. 2, Providence). “This campaign will prevent legislating discrimination. It will lead us closer to becoming a Rhode Island we all seek to find: a place where all of our neighbors feel safe and can build a better Rhode Island together.”
— via RI Lege press release Click through to see bill synopses.

I'm particularly fond of Rep. Segal's H7967 (pdf) which explicitly prohibits police to use race, color, ethnicity, or lack of English proficiency as "reasonable grounds" for a fishing expedition into immigration status. Rhode Island has had a couple of high-profile cases like this recently, so getting a law on the books is important.

And Sen. Levesque's S2487 (pdf) would allow people to drive legally and insure their vehicles regardless of immigration status. This is not just about fairness, this is also about responsibility and safety for everyone on the road.

Just for laffs, if you want to see how the other side of the blogosphere reacted to this package of progressive legislation, take a peek at Anchor Rising. But I have to give Justin Katz props for his liveblog coverage of the Republican Tea Party here in Portsmouth last night. I may not agree with what was said, but the reporting is well done. Big tip of the hat, Mr. Katz.