Abu Ghraib for cattle [Update with local hook]

You've heard about the recall of 143 million pounds of beef, 37 million pounds of which went to make school lunches. Yes, that's right. Downer cows being fed to our schoolchildren.

Want to see the video that finally prompted this Administration's USDA to take action? I can guarantee that you do not, but here's the link anyway. Warning: If you have any any sense of decency, this video is virtually unwatchable.

What the hell kind of country are we living in?

h/t to Wernerlll for the e-mail heads-up

Update: Just saw an interview with Wayne Pacell of the Humane Society on CNN, and in a particularly disturbing revelation, he noted that they selected this plant at random for their undercover operation. Random. That's a cheery thought.

Update 2:
Oh, this is really good news...

Rhode Island schools have served beef from a California slaughterhouse that is now subject to the largest recall in the United States, according to Andrea Bagnall Degos, spokeswoman for the state Department of Health.

“Some of the beef was sent to Rhode Island schools as meatballs through the school lunch program,” she said.
— Via ProJo 7to7 News Blog