Monday Night: Big Box Zoning at the Town Council

It all comes down to Monday night. Almost a year ago, the Town Administrator announced that Target was looking to open a store here, igniting a neighborhood uprising that blossomed into Preserve Portsmouth. There were packed Council meetings, picnics at the Glen, and charettes at the senior center. And now, it all comes down to our local Patriots meeting the Giants of retail. (Couldn't resist, sorry.)

If you have something to say, be at Town Hall at 7pm. From the agenda:

PUBLIC HEARING – (Continued from 1/7/08)
Proposed Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance:

This Amendment would add regulations for retail and consumer service developments with total building footprint over 25,000 square feet, which would be considered under the Planned Unit Development (PUD) section of the Ordinance.

Among other things, a PUD allows more than one building per lot, mixed uses, and accommodates phased development. It gives the Planning Board the authority to negotiate a development that best benefits the Town.

There are additional regulations to protect adjacent properties such as larger perimeter buffer areas, more landscaping, less visual impact of large parking lots, better stormwater management, control over accessory outdoor display areas, traffic impact analysis and control. A maximum store size cap will also be considered.

Nobody wants a Target on West Main Road. Or a Wal-Mart. Or any other butt-ugly, character-sapping superbox. But I just wish we could have found a way to preserve the character of this town we all love without causing pain for any of our friends and neighbors. Allen Shers is a long-time resident who has given a lot of his time and energy to our town, and I, for one, will miss hearing his voice Monday night.