Focus group slams classic Mac "1984" ad

Things have been pretty dark around here recently, so I thought a little entertainment for the weekend would be in order. The Fake Steve Jobs blog featured this clip, and if you're an Apple fan, it's hysterical. An ad agency went to the trouble of recreating storyboards for Apple's classic "1984" SuperBowl commercial, and focus-grouped it with forehead-slapping, if predictable, results. Enjoy.

— Via Fake Steve Jobs

This reminded me of the famous "Casablanca" hoax where freelance writer Chuck Ross retyped the film script and submitted it to 200 agents. Hey, it's Hollywood. Some of them actually wanted to rep it.


On a warm summer day it is nice to get together with friends and family, sit on the wall on Park Avenue, face the ocean, and throw a bunch of Flo’s Clam Cakes to the sea gulls. Occasionally, you might even eat a piece. If you’re lucky, a Del’s Lemonade truck might be nearby. Some would say throwing clam cakes at the birds is a stupid and wasteful way of “experiencing Portsmouth.” I believe anyone who says this has probably never tried it. Furthermore, I could name hundreds of extremely renowned world experts who would agree that feeding the clam cakes to the Sea Gulls while sitting on the wall on Park Avenue is a much healthier activity than just sitting down and eating the clam cakes yourself.

Its nice to be outside on cold but sunny day in the winter too. Right now I'm going outside to smallify a rhodoendron.