Financial report at the Town Council tonight

Jack and the tornado
Jack and the tornado at the Boston Museum of Science

Tonight's Portsmouth Town Council meeting promises to be an interesting show, with results from the annual audit coming in from the accounting firm of Hague, Sahady & Company, as well as an a couple of items continued from the last meeting where Council President Canario's vacation left the group deadlocked.

We took a little vacation too, this weekend, and popped up to Boston to bring Jack to the Museum of Science, where we had a great time watching the lightning show and learning about math. One of Jack's favorite exhibits was a vortex generator (see photo) where you got to touch a tornado.

Speaking of touching a tornado. Last week's post featuring the video clips of Tailgunner Gleason at the Berkshire Associates meeting has picked up 450 page views and 28 comments. Any time an anonymous commenter stoops to insulting both me and my wife, I know I hit a nerve. Thanks to everyone who read and joined in the discussion there. You know who you are (even if I don't.)


Hey, John.

I guess I should probably already know this, but I'm a bit technologically out of the loop. I'm curious what that page view stuff all means. Does that mean 450 different people read the entry, or maybe 225 people each went to the page twice, or what? I'm just interested to know what the statistics mean. Thanks.

Hi, Yada...
The short answer is that there's no way to tell about page views. Because of the way the web Web software tracks page views, it's hard to link them up directly with visitors.

I can tell you that since the posting of the Gleason video, there have been 292 unique visitors to the site.

You can infer, with a high degree of probability, that many of them viewed the page, and at some of them hit it multiple times.
