Portsmouth School Performance Audit Forum on Tuesday

Tuesday night, Berkshire Advisors (the firm conducting the performance audit) will be at Town Hall to collect comments from the community about the Portsmouth School Department. Everyone is welcome. Please note the early start time of 6:30-8:30 pm.

If you can't make the meeting, you can e-mail input (related to the audit) to the consulting team: maureen [at] berkshireadvisors [dot] com.

I think it's fair to predict that the PCC and their fellow travelers will be there representing their viewpoint vigorously. Please, if you can, try to stop by and say a few words.


Yes, I'm sure they will be at the meeting, as you predict. It is worth noting that each PCC Newsletter states the PCC's "fundamental goals" which include "superior public schools."

Therefore, I don't think it is necessary for anyone else to have to go to the meeting, because the PCC will be advocating for "superior public schools", right?

After all, I'm sure superior public schools are what they were advocating for when members of the PCC lopped an arbitrary $700,000 from the school budget (nearly all of which was restored by the courts). I'm sure superior public schools are what they were advocating for when members of the PCC suggested that they've paid for their kids to go through the schools so now they shouldn't have to pay anymore.

Maybe they just have a different definition of "superior" than I do. Let's see... a quick jaunt over to thefreedictionary.com and ... Hhhhmmmm...... lots of choices for a definition there.

My guess is that by "superior" schools, the PCC means definition number 5.

su·pe·ri·or (adj.)
1. Higher than another in rank, station, or authority: a superior officer.
2. Of a higher nature or kind.
3. Of great value or excellence; extraordinary.
4. Greater in number or amount than another: an army defeated by superior numbers of enemy troops.
5. Affecting an attitude of disdain or conceit; haughty and supercilious.
6. Above being affected or influenced; indifferent or immune:
7. Located higher than another; upper.
8. Botany: Inserted or situated above the perianth. Used of an ovary.
9. Printing: Set above the main line of type.
10. Logic: Of wider or more comprehensive application; generic. Used of a term or proposition.

Hi, Yada...
Well said. And while she does not represent the PCC, but is rather an Independent, my favorite example of seeking "superior" schools comes from Karen Gleason's request to cut an additional $200K from this year's budget.

And this is the person who complained about being excluded from the Berkshire liaison committee saying "I served for 4 years on the school committee — I think I would be much more benefit than either of the two of you."

Superior indeed. We're through the looking glass here.
