Absentee ballots widen win for Charter Change

With the final absentee ballots counted in Portstmouth's ballot-initiative election yesterday, all three questions picked up additional "yes" votes, with the margin in favor of Charter change growing to a solid 10% lead.

According to information provided by Town Council Vice President Jim Seveney, the final tally was 3,852 votes cast, with the majority in favor of all three questions. The percentages for Wind energy and Open Space remained the same, but the 88 additional votes to approve the Charter change increased the lead, making it a 55% to 45% win.

A double-digit lead on a question like this is reassuringly solid. Thanks again to all the citizens who went out and voted, and all the folks who devoted the time, effort, and energy into getting the facts out to the public.

I also want to thank our local papers: the Newport Daily News did us a solid with their endorsement of these ballot items, and provided great coverage, as well as hosting the Newport County Forum on Channel 18. The Providence Journal ran thorough, thoughtful pieces and gave us a lot of ink in the last few weeks when it counted. The gravitas they bring is invaluable. And the Sakonnet Times endorsed two of the questions, and provided an outstanding in-depth series of articles on each of the ballot initiatives. A big thank you to the editorial staff and the writers who made that happen.