Newport Daily News endorses ALL THREE BALLOT QUESTIONS! WOOT!

The editorial page of today's Newport Daily News is a real treat for Portsmouth voters hoping to pass the Charter Change, Wind Energy, and Open Space ballot questions next Tuesday: the paper has given all three a thumbs-up.

On the first question, Charter change, the paper slams the current Tent Meeting and its lack of absentee ballots, saying "that inherently is undemocratic." The editorial goes on to say:

The acrimony during and after the last "tent meeting" in August 2006, is testimony to the need for change. Some residents did not want to vote for fear of reprisal, others did not speak to each other because of the way they voted, and still others were confused about what they were voting on, including a cut to the town budget.

If the benefits of knowing the question or questions beforehand and being able to cast a private vote were not enough, the ability to electronically count the votes - and recount them if necessary - should be another strong selling point, and the lower cost of the proposed process should close the deal.

Summing it up: "[W]e believe a special election would better serve the interests of the town as a whole."

I couldn't agree more.

On the Wind Turbine bond, the paper urges passage and has this to say:

This is the wave of the future, and the project would make the town a leader in Rhode Island in the environmental and alternative-energy arenas (a little ironic, if you consider the number of windmills that once graced local shorelines). Better yet, it would more than pay for itself, starting in the first year of operation.

Rounding out the trifecta, the editorial writers also support the Open Space bond:

Years ago, Portsmouth voters had the foresight to approve spending $3.6 million to purchase the Glen and preserve it from development; we hope they will have the same foresight now to protect more of its future.

You can read the whole thing at the Newport Daily News, or better yet, why not take this opportunity to subscribe? (Yes, they get a free plug. They have done a Really Nice Thing for folks here in Portsmouth. A big thank you to the whole editorial staff.)