Tomorrow's Town Council: BE THERE!

Tomorrow night's Portsmouth Town Council will have a rich agenda, with several important issues up for discussion and vote. Foremost is a proposed moratorium on building permits for large-scale (greater than around 40K square foot) retail, with some ancillary discussions of legality and process, and a request to amend the maximum allowable retail size. If you're concerned about the potential impact of future big-box retail on our Town, please be there.

And a word to the wise — you might want to show up early. Sources tell me there is a healthy turnout anticipated.

Also on the agenda (which you can get here. I have added an automatic link in the right navigation area to a continuously updated feed from the Secretary of State, so you can always get agendas about 48hrs in advance.) are wastewater, the School Department budget, curbside trash pickup, and a proposal for a bond to fund the Prudence Island school.

If that sounds like a mashup of all the issues we've been dealing with for the whole year, you got it. Plan on a long — and seriously interesting — evening. See you there!