Patrick Kennedy...[updated]

Update: Kennedy gets it, and uses e-mail effectively now.

When I get an e-mail newsletter from Rep. Patrick Kennedy, and the House is right in the middle of a very dramatic vote on holding the President to a timetable in Iraq, I think I can be forgiven for expecting some kind of timely update. Sadly, here's what our Representative sent out yesterday:

Dear fellow Rhode Islander,

Over the past few weeks, I have been proud to support several pieces of legislation to invest our national resources more selectively to remain at the cutting edge of global innovation.

Two of the bills that I was proud to support were the "10,000 Teachers, 10 Million Minds Science and Math Scholarship Act," and the "Sowing the Seeds Through Science and Engineering Research Act. "
— See for yourself; Read the newsletter

Good god, Mr. Kennedy, right now I don't give a flying fuck about global innovation. It's clear that neither you nor your staff has the slightest clue about the use of e-mail and the need for timely, relevant content.

In the last election, a Rhode Island politician with a well-respected family name and sterling credentials went down to defeat in order to destroy the Congressional rubberstamp on our President. The implications for those who fail to engage on the war are clear.

You voted for HR2237, Mr. Kennedy, and I thank you for your courage. Now pander to your base and get the news out. If you need advice, Robin has my number.