Support the PHS Post Prom Party

Every year, after the Portsmouth High School Prom, the parents of graduating seniors run a Post-Prom Party to continue a truly memorable evening in a safe environment. This year, the party will be June 6 at the Elks Lodge in Newport, and with the fiscal crunch the schools and Town are facing, they could use the community's support.

Last year the event was a huge success, with over 230 seniors attending, and most staying until 4 am. There are prizes raffled off, food, videos, karaoke, fortune telling, NASCAR racing, caricatures, all manner of funky and wonderful stuff to do.

If you run a local business, donations or gift certificates would be appreciated. For the rest of us, a few bucks will help send our Patriots off in style and safety.

Make your checks payable to:
PHS Post Prom Party
Attn. Linda Pendleton Post Prom
Portsmouth High School
120 Education Lane
Portsmouth, RI 02871

Have a gift or service to donate? Any questions? You can e-mail Maureen Moriarty or give her a call at XXX-6383. (I'm not going to put her phone number on a blog. If you live in Portsmouth, you know the exchange.)