Guestblog: Monday Night Budget Workshop

Note: The Wednesday budget workshop for the School Committee has been rescheduled to May 16, so if you want to come to a budget workshop, tonight is it.

Thanks to guesblogger Mark Katzman for this report on the first workshop:

There were no fireworks at the budget meeting last night. The council approved, or rather "tentatively approved" all the budget proposals submitted by the Town Administrator, Fire Chief and Police Chief. However, the council in general did not find the proposal for a couple of new firefighters or a couple of new police very compelling, and final approval is not certain. The chiefs made an extremely good case for how we are currently getting by with just the very barest minimal staffing but they raised serious concerns about the town’s ability to manage with the upcoming increased needs imposed by, among other things, the various west-side developments. In addition, new police would not decrease the current overtime costs, because most overtime is personnel-specific (i.e., after an arrest, the arresting officer has duties that require overtime). However, additional fire personnel would decrease current overtime costs.

Jim Seveney may have said it best when he said that he agreed with the Chiefs, but said that given our current financial situation, even though we can easily predict increased needs and it would be nice to be pro-active, we may just have to deal with those needs when they actually arise. In addition, we have not yet worked out developer-impact agreements such as having the Marina to be built on the west side contribute to the cost of additional harbor master duties.

Mr. Fitzmorris took to the podium only once, making a show of cross-examining Dave Faucher, Town Finance Director. However, Mr. Faucher had a ready answer for every question. Larry scored no points, and appeared a bit dejected.

The head of the DPW has not yet spoken to the council, and will do so tonight.

Please note that now is the time for anyone who wants to object to any line item to speak up. There were very few people in attendance last night — About 15 people total. Note that the righteousness of complaining LATER is severely diminished for those who don't voice their concerns about the budget NOW (tonight).