Town Council Monday night -- Fight bad charter changes

Tomorrow night, the Portsmouth town council will hear at least two more proposed charter changes. Please show up to let the council know that Portsmouth wants a fair process, like the one the Council has already moved to put to the public (read it here). We don't need the knee-jerk, automatic up-or-down response proposed by the PCC, which also includes this gem:

That's right. The PCC wants to put in the Charter language which negates the right of the School Committee to seek redress. In violation of Rhode Island general law. Their argument that local charters trump state law was dismissed by the Superior Court, but they don't seem to have noticed.

And we have yet to hear what Tailgunner Gleason has cooked up. Or the stealth entry from Peter "Eye of Mordor" McIntyre and his anonymous, childless lawyers.

You know, for a group that opposes the charter change option already on the ballot because it could "dilute the vote," the PCC seems to be coming up with an awful lot of proposals. It couldn't be because they're trying to...oh, I don't know...dilute the vote?

But remember — they are the living dead. Let's show up tomorrow and remind them.


What's with the recall provision Fittzmorris wants to add? They not only want to micromanage the decisions the council / school committees make, but also the people who make them?

Hi, Rhody5...
Yeah, they want to have a second bite at the apple. Pretty odd, coming from an organization that always talks about respecting "the will of the people of Portsmouth." Seems to me that's precisely what an election represents.

Not to worry -- I think this one is off the table. When Larry brought this up initially, the sense of the Council was that only Tent Meeting amendments were being considered.
