Tent meeting reform, Monday Night, Portsmouth Town Hall

This is a Public Service Announcement: Below is a note from Sal and Chris Carcellar, who have been spearheading the campaign to put a charter change proposal to the voters that would convert the Tent Meeting to full-day voting.

Just a quick reminder that we're on the agenda this MONDAY, MARCH 26th at 7pm (Town Hall) to ask the town council to put the Proposed Charter Amendment on a ballot.

Hope to see you there.
Sal & Chris Carceller

"Let's Get Out of the Tent and Into the Booth"

I've heard that the Town Council has received hundreds of letters on this, and I hope to see everybody there on Monday night to show support. If you truly believe that the people should have the power, let's ensure that ALL the people get to vote.

In America, we vote in a booth. Our vote is private. And our men and women in uniform aren't disenfranchised because they are protecting democracy in a foreign land. Parents don't have to struggle finding child care for an unknown length of time, and senior citizens aren't faced with physical challenges.

If we really trust the people, let's do the right thing.


I agree with you on this one. I do think a charter change is the way to go. I feel the old tent way is just that...old, and we need to take it to the booth, for all the above reasons you have stated. However...I also agree with Karen Gleason when she said we need to "keep things simple" from the very beginning of this debate. The original problem I had with changing the charter was the way some were going about it,it was confusing(as politics can be), and the explaination, and concern about "diluting" the vote...also was a reason for more debate, as something that possibly could happen. So I'am for the charter change, but not rushing anyone into anything... I didn't think it was right how Mr. Seveney tried (in vain,thank goodness!) to sneak in the votes of the council on this, while President Canario was away on vacation. Mr.Seveny in my opinion, and the opinion of many others who where there that night, was in such a hurry to take a vote! As if to one-up us! I don't believe that such an important issue should be voted on without ALL of the councel members on board! Once again...Larry, Mrs. Melvin,and a few others, stepped up to the podium to the rescue! Otherwise it would have been a clear, and intended rush job on a VERY important issue by Mr. Seveney, who apparently thought he could take the reigns and run with it!
Though I'am for the charter change, I do not believe in taking the last tent meetings by the people of Portsmouth, and disregarding they're rights to do so at that time. It was legal, announced WELL in advance, as to give EVERYONE ample time to make all the proper arrangements to get there. Just as they will have to do to vote in a booth, and this has been our charter, our way of doing it for many,many, years. It isn't unusual for people who live in a small community(the townies) to NOT want change, without TIME to think it over rationally,and with all the knowlege they need before them. Keep it Simple, honest, and open, and I truely believe at the end of the day the people will understand that the booth is the(new and improved) way to go.
Are you listening Mr. Seveney?

Hi, Stormie...
Thanks -- you and I are very much in agreement. Keep it simple, and let's vote in a booth. And I very much believe that keeping it simple also means letting people know exactly what they're voting on well ahead of time -- with real numbers -- so they have a chance to make up their own minds and understand the implications of their vote. Sometimes budget numbers aren't so simple. But if you have some time to think about it, you can figure it out. We're all smart people.

I do have to disagree with your interpretation of Jim Seveney's actions. If I recall right, every single person on that council talked about doing something to reform the tent meeting when they were running for election. There has been a lot of discussion of this in the community, and more than five hundred people sent letters to the Council requesting a change. I think Seveney was just trying to move the process along the way both the council members and the public wanted.

But I respect your right to your point of view.

I do find it interesting that instead of the one proposed change from the Carcellars, folks whose positions align with the PCC have now stated their intent to add at least three others: Larry's, Pete McIntyre's, and Karen Gleason's. I thought the PCC was opposed to diluting the vote?
