Portsmouth Water Board election June 12

If you live in the Portsmouth Water & Fire District, you're eligible to vote in the upcoming election of officers on Wednesday, June 12, 2013 at the District's main office at 1944 East Main Road. The polls will open at 7:00 AM and close at 8:00 PM.

Of the Board's seven seats, two are up for re-election, the incumbents Treasurer Joseph A. Magliocco of 7 Mill Lane and Moderator Ronald L. Molleur of 15 Molleur Road.

Voters should remember that as now required by in state law, identification will be required to vote in the District’s election.

Editorial note: While this seems like a low-risk election, because turnout is typically in the low hundreds, it's important to show up and vote. The incumbents have been doing a good job, and this is one of the few places where a silent write-in campaign could change the outcome. Please take a few minutes to stop by the office and vote on June 12. And don't worry -- I'll remind you.