RIDOT confirms Portsmouth Escape Bridge currently "cannot be used"

The RI Dept. of Transportation confirmed this afternoon that Portsmouth's Escape Bridge is currently unusable, according to an e-mail from Chief of Information and Public Relations Charles St. Martin.

After posting the update this morning about the delay of the opening to the first week of September, I received a communication that the bridge was in fact ready to use but RIDOT was not advertising this fact. Since I had heard a similar reassurance from another public official, I reached out directly to RIDOT.

Here's what St. Martin said: "That is incorrect. The bridge in its current condition cannot be used for traffic. Should a tropical system begin an approach to Southern New England and flooding is a concern, we would take steps to prepare it for temporary use."

That statement sounds carefully couched to stop short of actually promising it would be usable. He concluded with the usual reassuring boilerplate:

"The Department will work closely with the Town of Portsmouth to make sure emergency access/egress is available for Island Park."

Full disclosure: To the two public officials who tried to reassure me: If your mother says she loves you, check it out.