Anonymous Portsmouth resident harasses car owner with Democratic bumper stickers

Recognize the handwriting? Click to embiggen.

I was at Portsmouth Town Hall for a meeting this afternoon, and when I came out, the note at the left was tucked under my windshield wiper. In an all-caps scrawl, it says "Did you get the stickers with the car or proud of what??"

I showed it to the other folks coming out of the meeting who shook their heads in disbelief.

Seriously, neighbor. Is my bumper sticker (below) really so aggravating that you felt the need to leave me a note?

FYI, I personally applied those bumper stickers. I am proud to be a Democrat because we fight for the middle class, the environment, equal rights for all, and a social safety net for those less fortunate. I'm especially proud right now because Democrats have helped bring this country closer to affordable health care for all (including people with pre-existing conditions, young people who can stay on their parents' plans, and senior citizens who will see continued closing of the "donut hole"). Are Democrats perfect? Of course not. But if we required perfection in the things we're proud of, we'd have very little pride in anything. And, sure, I do what I can to help keep my fellow Democrats moving forward (I'm a… you guessed it…progressive.)

So, yes, anonymous neighbor with the bravery of being out of range. I am proud to be a Democrat.

Pretty distinctive question marks. Anybody recognize that handwriting?



Thinking about the note left on your car, I could not help but think about how I would feel upon seeing a bumper sticker stating "Proud to be a Republican." My reaction would be similar to your "note poster" person's - I'd want to say "Proud of what? Tax cuts for the wealthy? Oil company subsidies? Interfering in what goes on in my bedroom? The war in Iraq? Being anti science and anti rational thought?" The difference between me and your note-poster is that I would only "think" these things - I would not put a note on the car. Why? Because I believe that this sort of aggressive in-your-face confrontation is rude, crude, cowardly, asinine and (perhaps most importantly) not likely to change anyone's opinion about anything.

Oh and should the note-poster be reading this - I would very much like to talk to you - just as soon as you pass the GED.