Save the date: Broadway from Then 'Til Now 2 benefit concert Jan 22

The Robert A. Davidson Charitable Fund will be reprising last year's fundraising concert event, "Broadway from Then 'Til Now 2" on Saturday, January 22 in the Portsmouth high school auditorium, according to a posting on Facebook this afternoon. All proceeds will benefit the Portsmouth Public Education Foundation (PPEF) and other local community causes.

The curtain goes up at 7pm for a two-hour program of Broadway show tunes old and new and starring the vocal talents of Laurie Davidson Spaner, Richard Repetta, Kim Kekligian Stamoulis, Craig Spaner, Kendra Kachadoorian Alati, Michael Johnson, Gary Ryan, Chuck Walsh, Emma Boroson, Blake Allan, and James Tallach and musical talents of Mario Cruz, Pete Evans, Pat Murray, Emma Boroson, and Steve Jounakas, Craig Spaner, and Sara Moore. Dances by Blake Allan and Kayla Piccolo, choreographed by Leslie Zeile of Stage Door Dance Company. Stage Manager, Jean MacFarland.

Full disclosure: I am on the board of the PPEF, which is one of the recipients of the generosity of the Davidson Fund. But even if I wasn't, I'd still buy a ticket. This is going to be a fun evening.