Portsmouth honors Veterans Day

Veterans Day
Rep.-elect Dan Gordon speaks at Veterans Day ceremony.

More than 65 veterans, family members, and citizens were at Portsmouth Town Hall this morning for the annual Veterans Day ceremony remembering the men and women who have served our country.

American Legion Post 18 Adjutant Christine Leah Hayward officiated, with Portsmouth Cub Scout Pack 50 providing the color guard. State Senator-elect Dr. Chris Ottiano attended, as well as Town Councilors Keith Hamilton, Peter McIntyre, and Jim Seveney.

Rep.-elect Dan Gordon (Dist. 71), USMC, offered remarks on the day, and reminded everyone of the recent loss of Sgt. Michael Paranzino of Middletown. "Keep the memory and appreciation of this courageous young man in your heart. Because of his sacrifice, and that of others like him, we are able to have gatherings like this." He urged attendees to take the opportunity to "thank veterans for the preservation of our freedom."

Guest speaker Cyndie Kindell, a military service dog trainer, talked about the work she has done preparing dogs both for roles in combat, where they detect explosive devices, and also as helpers for disabled veterans. Kindell said that the training for these dogs is rigorous and expensive, costing up to $20K, and urged people to support a program which trains dogs especially for combat veterans. Kindell especially encouraged donations for a service dog for Marissa Strock, US Army 170th Military Police, who lost both legs to and improvised explosive device in Iraq. Donations may be made to the National Education for Assistance Dog Services (NEADS) through their web site at neads.org.

The ceremony moved to the Portsmouth war memorial outside Town Hall, where a wreath was laid.

Additional pictures from the event are posted on Flickr.