I made io9! (translation: my story was mentioned on an uber-cool science fiction site)

The awesome science fiction web site io9 posted a list of "strange" sf, and I'm chuffed that my 1995 story "Jigoku no mokushiroku (The Symbolic Revelation of the Apocalypse) made the cut. You can, of course, read it here.

Why is this story strange? Well, possibly because the point-of-view character is a sentient elevator? Maybe this would be a good time to mention that I'm working on a sequel, called "Jigoku de hotoke."

This was a pleasant surprise. I've been so swamped with work and campaign stuff these past few weeks that I didn't even catch the mention (I have io9 set in my newsreader, and truth to tell, often have to make do with scanning headlines). Didn't spot it until it showed up in my referer logs.

Thanks to Jason Sanford for the list, and to Annalee Newitz for the pickup.