Portsmouth releases new school boundary map

Click to download PDF from the PSD site

As discussed at Transition Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting this week, the Portsmouth School District released the new boundary map for the town's two remaining elementary schools tonight. The map, as well as an FAQ on the school assignments, was posted on the district Web site.

The border between the Hathaway and Melville "districts" starts just north of Cory's lane on the west side of the island, jogs down West Main Road, then across Hedley to Middle Road. It goes southward for a few blocks down Middle, then there is a complicated series of culs-de-sac between Middle Road and East Main that bear close viewing. At East Main, just south of Union, it cuts to the east across Linden Lane and reaches the Sakonnet just south of Elmhurst. South and west of the line, students go to Melville; north and east of the line, to Hathaway.

The included FAQs answer what are likely to be some common questions. How were the boundaries determined? (With input from the TAC, guided by principles such as keeping siblings and neighborhoods together, reducing transportation time, and having similarly sized schools.) How long will my child be on the bus? (Aiming for 50 minutes or less). And of course, what should I do if I have a question or concern? (e-mail the school assignment mailbox at the district, psdassign@portsmouthschoolsri.org, or call the special voice mail box, 683-1039, x8).