Sgouros launches treasurer campaign

Sgouros addresses supporters.

Democratic candidate for RI Treasurer, Tom Sgouros, kicked off his campaign tonight at a packed fundraiser at the Hi-Hat in Providence, with high-energy music from the What Cheer? Brigade, and a high-octane introduction from former gubernatorial candidate Myrth York.

"Tom is the poster child for thinking outside the box," said York, describing the fresh perspective and powerful number sense Sgouros would bring to the office. He also had the rare gift, York said, of being able to explain complicated finance issues simply, skills he had honed during years of working as a policy analyst for a variety of causes and candidates.

When Sgouros took the podium, he explained that he wanted to run to help rebuild a Rhode Island economy "that works for all of us, at the top and bottom of the income spectrum."

The financial crisis in the state, he argued, was a failure of imagination, of the ability to identify the real issue and be willing to look for new solutions. "The old ways are the ones that walked us into the crisis," he said. "Instead of fixing the problems with cities and towns, we just tell them to fix it."

He offered a concrete proposal: Instead of allowing large financial firms and insurance companies to hold $8 billion in Rhode Island bonds, we should explore new approaches to keep those dollars in the state. "When we keep it in the economy here," said Sgouros, "It pays for the schools, the roads, all the things we value."

And despite the state's grim financial picture, he offered a message of hope. "We have problems, but we also have assets," he said, citing our size and our workforce as under-appreciated strengths, "We have to look at both sides of the equation."

But he acknowledged it wouldn't be easy. To change things at the state house, he said, "I'm not looking for people to follow me, I'm looking for people to line up beside me. We need indignant people who are not content with the same solutions that don't work."

Learn more about Sgouros on his campaign web site and his Facebook group.

Full disclosure: I've endorsed Tom because I've been a reader of his newsletter, RI Policy Reporter, for years, and believe he's got the right skills and the right mindset for this job. I hope you'll consider supporting him too.