Kennedy won't seek reelection [update]

10feb12_kennedy.jpgRep. Patrick Kennedy, in a video message distributed to the media late last night, announced that he will not be seeking re-election this year.

"For two decades, I've been humbled and honored to represent the people of our state," said Kennedy. "My life is taking a new direction, and I will not be a candidate for re-election this year. Going forward, I will continue many of the fights we waged together, particularly on behalf of those suffering from depression, addiction, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Kennedy expressed thanks for the understanding he received. "I'm so grateful to the people of Rhode Island," said Kennedy. "When I made missteps or suffered setbacks, you responded not with contempt, but compassion."

And Kennedy stressed that it was the support of the people of the state that made it all possible. "By standing on your shoulders," said Kennedy, "I was able to do more to advance my family's fight for social justice, and more for our great state than I ever thought was possible. Rhode Island, thank you."

The Providence Journal was already speculating on who may step up to take on state Rep. John Loughlin.

Editorial: I personally want to thank Rep. Kennedy for his long service to Rhode Island, and in particular his deep commitment to mental health parity, a real legislative accomplishment whose impact for those who most need assistance in difficult times will be enormous. Thank you, Rep. Kennedy.

Update: Full video posted on YouTube. RI Monthly has an in-depth interview. Matt Jerzyk at Closing Argument has more on likely candidates.



I cannot express to you or to the general public just how deeply saddened I am by the news that Congressman Patrick Kennedy will not seek reelection. I would like to personally thank him as well for all the hard work he has done for our great state. We have been truly blessed to have a piece of the Kennedy legacy in Rhode Island. This state doesn't know yet how much he did for us, he has brought a small fortune into Rhode Island and we will all miss that. He has done a great many things that I won't list here; he has always cared about his constituents and stayed in touch with the people he served. I will miss him greatly as I think most Rhode Islanders will.


Portsmouth Pride

It is with great respect that I want to express my sincere thanks for the service rendered by our Honorable Congressman Representative Pat Kennedy and wish him well on his journey.

The Kennedy Family is leaving an American legacy for all of us to be in awe of and while I had been fortunate enough to meet both Patrick Kennedy and his father, I was struck by the openness and candor in which the conversation flowed: I was talking to legacy.
