Snow day for Portsmouth!

According to a posting on the Portsmouth School Department listserv, school has been cancelled for Wednesday "due to the impending snow storm." wOOt!


A flake hasn't hit the ground and Portsmouth closes schools! What is the world coming to? When I was young you had to get up in the morning and watch the T.V. you would see Middletown then Newport then Pawtucket then (oh man) no Portsmouth and we had to go to school through a foot and a half of snow once.

Just Some Thoughts,

Portsmouth Pride

Hi Portsmouth Pride.

Just for some perspective I want to share my experience living for a few years in Maine, a real northern climate state where they get actual snow that stays on the ground for the whole winter and "slush" is only something you buy at a 7-11. There is no idea of being "tough" and trudging through a foot and a half of snow to get to school or work. Every winter up there you read stories of people who try to venture off into the blizzard, but don't make it back alive. Up there, nature is respected. Those who do not perish.

Here in Lil' Rhody the weather is admittedly more tame. But the forecast for that day was snow for the morning and running heavy into the day. It isn't just about getting the kids to school safely, it is about getting them back home safe too, late in the afternoon when the prediction was for very bad conditions.

I have no quarrel with the decision made to cancel school based on the information they had. Imagine the horror if one of the afternoon buses lost control on the snow-icy road and a bus load of kids went crashing into one of our fine telephone poles located 6 inches off the lane on East Main Road.

I have as much nostalgia as anyone for watching Salty Brine as a kid calling no school for Portsmouth. But, I'll side with caution over risk day.