If you live in MA, vote today

And if you're still on the fence, please visit Martha Coakley's site to read her positions on the issues and if you have a minute, please volunteer to make a few calls to help get out the vote. If you want to see just what the Democrats are up against, try this Boston Globe piece on Brown's supporters.

I'm not going to tell you what's at stake. You know healthcare reform hangs in the balance.

Editorial note: Regular readers will notice that coverage has been pretty thin lately. Mea maxima culpa. I have had a Drupal web site project at my day job that has been kicking my butt for a couple of weeks. The truth is that you *can* get Drupal to do exactly what a designer wants when they throw a Photoshop and a CSS file over the transom, but sometimes you sit for more than a day scratching your head saying, uh, just where the frak is that five-pixel indent in the first paragraph, only visible in IE, coming from? (Answer: the undisplayed taxonomy terms. Firefox has the good sense to ignore tags that weren't being used, IE threw in a space. Setting display:none in desperation solved the problem. But it's been weeks of that...)


...and all the people I do know were diligent voters, for all the good it did. Alas and alack.

That said, have you got the Colorzilla and Firebug extensions for Firefox. (They won't help much for IE, but it will help you drill down to the spot in your style sheet that is referencing that exact div.)

...she sings from somewhere you can't see...

Hi, PixelFish...
I couldn't live without Firebug -- it is my go-to tool, I can't imagine doing a page without it, and there is just nothing like it in IE. (Have I mentioned how much I hate IE? Like, you have everything lined up perfectly in FF, you alt-tab over to the other window, and holy crap, the div is halfway down the page. Aaargh.) I have downloaded Colorzilla and look forward to playing with that. Thanks much for the tip!
