Stokes to lead RIEDC: PBN [update]

Providence Business News is reporting that Keith Stokes, director of the Newport Chamber of Commerce, has been tapped for the top spot at the RI Economic Development Corporation (RIEDC) on an interim basis, following the withdrawal last week of the the recently-appointed Ionana Morfessis.

In a statement, Stokes described his goals at RIEDC. “My top priority as EDC director is to work with the new EDC Board, our elected officials and our business community to develop short and intermediate-term strategies to strengthen Rhode Island’s business climate through several achievable areas including, expanding access to capital opportunities for our invaluable small business sector, improving the state’s business regulatory environment, engaging and supporting economic development efforts in our cities and towns, and supporting plans that prepare Rhode Islanders for jobs of the near future through enhanced workforce training and education.”

“I believe it is important to set aggressive goals for the EDC," Stokes said. "Just as important, we must hold ourselves accountable in achieving real and sustainable results in job growth and new economic activity.”

Update: Added quote, links.

Newport County Chamber of Commerce
RI Economic Development Corporation


More of the Same!
While I do not endorse the nomination of Keith Stokes, the good gentleman needs to be vetted by the powers that be. I fail to see any kind of out-of-the-box thinking in the history of the Newport Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is, sadly, busy working against the policies of the Obama Administration which I expect to trickle down to the policies of the RIEDC should Mr. Stokes be installed as director.
Therefore, I expect the same old dull initiatives that the Carcieri Administration is known for in promoting jobs, economic development, and renewable energy capitalization at the expense of the ecology, quality of life, and erosion of open space.
However, today we had good news and I recommend the article in the NYT: "For Controversial Wind Farm off Cape Cod, Latest Hurdle Is Spiritual" ( ). Seems the Stellwagen Marine Sanctuary may be spared from contamination after all thanks to our Native Indians' spirituality.


The previous comment makes a reference to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The comment's observation is true that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is working against the policies of the Obama Administration in general. In particular, the U.S. Chamber has become a mouthpiece for right-wing political views, and for the interests of big business at the expense of the interests of small businesses.

Because I found some of the rhetoric coming out of the U.S. Chamber so offensive leading up to the 2008 elections, I asked Keith Stokes whether the Newport County Chamber of Commerce was affiliated with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Keith said that the Newport County Chamber of Commerce IS NOT affiliated with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. He said the U.S. Chamber's consistent lack of consideration to the interests of small businesses led to many complaint calls from local businesses, and so the Newport County Chamber dropped all affiliation with the U.S. Chamber somewhere around 10 years ago.

I happen to think the Newport County Chamber does a lot of good work and serves local business well. Please don't confuse the awful antics of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce with the good and legitimate work of the Newport County Chamber.

Hi, Portsmouth Citizen...
Thanks much for your comment; hopefully that will be reassuring.

Also wanted to add that I've spoken with Keith Stokes on many occasions, and always found him to be thoughtful, informed, and open. I personally believe his appointment is a very good thing for Aquidneck Island — it will be great to have someone in Providence with this corner of the state fresh in their mind.
