Tuesday's #PeterWatts arrest coverage (update 3 LA Times)

The story of Canadian sf writer Peter Watt's macedown and arrest last week continues to percolate through the media ecosystem.

Quill & Quire has a good wrapup. Since Watts has done work on a couple of games, Kombo.com pegged it to the upcoming title, Crysis 2. The L Magazine weighs in on the tenuous reality of foreign nationals living in our "beautiful, angry nation." The Winnipeg Free Press ran it in print and online. The HuffPo thread has picked up a few comments; nothing you won't have seen elsewhere if you've been obsessively browsing.

Over in the blogosphere, 2,000 new posts since yesterday. Great wrap at Master of the Hounds, one of the huge number of LiveJournal sites on the case. Dog Blog has a great line, "Maybe the guards thought the references to genetically modified fishmen, posthuman zombies and vampire starship captains were some sort of sophisticated code." (Heh heh. I can only imagine the poor guy assigned to read through his notebook. If you're unfamiliar with Watts's work, that's just the tip of the iceberg...)

Hullabaloo properly points out that "The police state atmosphere in this country has been with us for a very long time, particularly for racial and ethnic minorities." (Hat tip JH for the link) And Daniel Holzmann goes a step further, problematizing the sf community's reaction: "[W]e live in a country with a history of maintaining a system of white privilege, and part of how that system is maintained is that white people speak up when oppression encroaches our privilege, but allow silence to be the voice of complicity when oppression is oppressing people in order to maintain our privilege. When living under an oppressive system, one can actively or passively support it; but one can only oppose it actively."

Update: PZ Myers just weighed in this morning at Pharyngula "When we cross the border, we should be expected to comply with the law…but we should not be required to cower and cringe, nor should we accept any demand of the guys with guns without question."

Update 2: TimesHerald files FOIA request for video. Hat tip nacks42.

Update 3: The LA Times picks it up.

Full disclosure: Peter is a friend and colleague.


Understand your dilemma J and of course you want to help out your friend. But what we have not been taught in this country is to shut up and do as directed when the gendarmes com asking questions. It is easier for people to comply who have lived in other countries more militaristic......., so hope his lawyer can sort this out and move on and not press for justice. There is none.

Keep Hop Alive,