Call Kennedy this weekend for HCR

Wanted to pass along this note from Ocean State Action, urging folks to call their congressperson this weekend with action coming up on the robust health care reform bill HR 3962 (OpenCongress, Thomas)

Subject: MAKE A CALL NOW - House bill coming this weekend

Rep. Jim Langevin - 202-225-2735

Rep. Patrick Kennedy - 202-225-4911

The insurance industry, the Michelle Bachman crowd, and a host of other right-wing interests are pushing as hard as they can to kill the House health care bill by any means necessary. Rhode Island Reps. Patrick Kennedy and Jim Langevin are still encouraging their undecided colleagues to support the bill.

CALL YOUR RI CONGRESSPERSON RIGHT NOW to say "Thank you for fighting for health care reform and keep working to pass HR3962!"

We don't want this weekend to end without a health care bill - and we need them to keep pushing for it. Call NOW

I promise you that it makes a difference that you call. We need Reps. Kennedy and Langevin to stay committed to keeping the House bill as strong as possible

I just called Patrick Kennedy's office. If you have a few minutes, I hope you might consider it too.

Ocean State Action