Call Reed and Whitehouse today for the public option

If you've been following the news, you know that key votes are coming up, and if you want to have health care reform with a public option, now is the time to make a couple of quick phone calls.

I know what you're thinking — we live in a really Blue state, and we have two great Senators. Yes, we do. But would you be surprised to hear that the folks opposing a public option have been bending the Senators' ears? If we want them to be able to say they are representing their constituents, we need to give them a jingle.

Takes five minutes. Just say who you are, where you're from (so they know you're a constituent), thank them for their support of health care reform, and urge them to continue to push for a public option.

Sen. Jack Reed Web site RI: (401) 943-3100 DC: (202) 224-4642

Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse Web site RI: (401) 453-5294 DC: (202) 224-2921

You can learn more and get involved at Ocean State Action and Organizing for America. Previous coverage of Town Hall in Johnston here, Warwick over at Tiverton's conservative blog Anchor Rising.

BTW — Senator Whitehouse’s staff will be on hand for a community outreach day at the Portsmouth Senior Center on Wednesday, October 14, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. to provide information on how his office may be able to assist constituents.

Full disclosure: I just called both of my Senators, and hope you will too.


Hi John. If folks want to know what doctors think about the public option, we have the answer to that question.

A study of doctors' opinions on health insurance reform proposals has been performed and the results were recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine. For those who don't know, the New England Journal of Medicine is the oldest continuously published medical journal in the world, and is one of the most widely read, cited, and influential general medical periodicals in the world. It is a peer-review publication known for its scientific and academic rigor.

The link to the full report is below, but the quick answer is that 62.9% of doctors favor insurance reform that contains a public option, plus an additional 9.6% who favor only a public option (i.e. single-payer) meaning that A WHOPPING 72.5% OF DOCTORS FAVOR A PUBLIC OPTION.

That's about 3 out of 4 doctors that favor a public option for insurance reform.

The full study speaks for itself and can be found here: