Portsmouth Town Councilor makes skater hide "profanity" shirt to speak [update]

Portsmouth, RI, 07/27/09. During a Portsmouth Town Council session debating a proposed skateboard park in the Island Park section of town, Pro skateboarder Aquiel Brathwaite was interrupted by Councilor Karen Gleason who prevented him from speaking because of a T-shirt graphic containing an image of figure with raised middle finger. He was not permitted to speak until he hid the image. Full transcript after the jump.

NOTE: Transcript is a best-effort approximation based on the video captured from Channel 18 Public Access; audio quality made it difficult at times to decipher the words.

Good evening (inaudible)

Will you give your name?

Aquiel Brathwaite (inadible)

Could you speak into the... (crosstalk) speak into the microphone, tell us why you're here, because at the beginning of this you were introduced as a professional skateboarder, and what I'd like you to do here tonight is, if we have a park, and we haven't made any decisions, this Council but if it's [age] 8 to 11 I want to know if you would come down and skate at that skate park.

First and foremost, one thing that's really sad about...

Excuse me... I'm really sorry to interrupt you, however. I apologize. But if you could, take a minute, go out to the men's room, and put that t-shirt inside out, I would have... (crosstalk from meeting attendees)

(to attendees, signaling for quiet) Wait, wait, wait.

McIntyre (gaveling for order)
Please, please

I would appreciate you doing that

I 100-percent respect where you're coming from. Me being a professional athlete with endorsements, I get all types of clothes to wear. I respect where you're coming from, I know that all of you have...

(as several attendees walk out)
Everyone, please...

(to attendees)
Hey, guys, this is not respectful.

Geez, I can't believe this.

(to Council) I'm personally sorry for what just happened

That's all right. What I would like you to do...

Want me to turn my shirt around?

Sure you may, why don't you step out into the...

Just take 30 seconds (rotates shirt with graphic to back)

I think you should put it inside out

Oh, Karen...Gleason. Alright, now, you're all set, now take your time. Tell us, like you said, you're a professional skateboarder, explain to the Council here and the public that's sitting here, if you would go into a skate park that is for 8-year-olds to 11-year-olds.



No, sir, I'm a professional, I skate on a whole (inadible). I travel the country to skate, I make a living off skateboarding, I mean six figures a year. These people sitting here (gestures at audience) if they laugh, they giggle, they really don't know what skateboarding is. Do you realize that Rhode Island has the highest drug and alcohol underage use of any state? Per caipta? Do you realize that kids need an outlet, they need something to get away. America has the highest obesity rate of any country because kids do not go outside. Building a skate park in the neighborhood. Yes, we are noisy people. Granted. Yes, we are. But at the end of the day, we are still humans. You can talk to us. You can up up and be like, 'the park's closed.' Is there lights at that place? If there are, they need to be turned off when the sun goes down. Kids can't skate after dark. There are so many solutions to this that there shouldn't be people that are instantly like 'this is a bad thing, this is bad.' Skateboarding saved my life. I'm from a family of 13, I grew up with nothing, now I have a 6-thousand square foot home. Do you realize that without skateboarding, especially living in Rhode Island, I wouldn't have become nothing. There's kids that need this. There's a next generation of kids that, what else do they know, besides skating. Once they can't skate, what do you think they're going to turn to. You guys have to look at this as, this is not just building a skate park, this is paving the future for a lot of the kids from the whole of Aquidneck Island. This is not just building a skate park, you guys are looking at it the wrong way. This is an outlet for kids. You'd rather have kids running around your neighborhood, breaking into your homes, stealing, breaking stuff, or would you rather have a pack of kids in the skate park. Granted, a lot of skateboarders do have foul mouths. That is true. I respect that 100%. A lot of skateboarders are, foul, you know, but to instantly stereotype a person like that, it's a bad trait that humans have. But with that being said, a skate park that's built for the younger kids is a great, great, great outlet for them. It's a great way for them to disperse their energy. When kids are in the house, running around constantly, what do they have to do? Videogames and sweets. Oh, I'm going to bring my 9-year-old son down to the skate park, let him skate around for a little bit, he's going to have a blast, we go home and read a book, go right to sleep.

Thank you.

I don't think you guys should instantly oppose this thing. It's something that needs to be thought about. There's pros and there's cons, it's like building a basketball court, building a baseball court. Someone said that police and ambulances... all you guys pay taxes here, right, I do. All of our tax dollars are already going to these resources.

Thank you very much. Dennis?

Just wanted to get your name?

Aquiel Brathwaite, B-R-A-T-H-W-A-I-T-E

You're a very intelligent young man, thank you very much

Just trying to show you that not all of us are ignorant people. I'm sorry that I didn't take my shirt off (inaudible) but I still have to hold my ground somewhat.

I have a question, Mr. McIntyre. I don't mind your shirt, your whole shirt. I mind the fact that you're throwing the finger on that shirt and...hold on a minute, I'm speaking, and then you're going to have a turn. Because what we have are some issues that have come up. And some concerns. And you are role modeling for our youngsters that are going to be at this park, alright, 8-year-olds, 9-year-olds, 10-year-olds, okay? Now, hm. Now what I would ask you, and your friends out in the hall, who kinda got offended with me because I asked you to turn your shirt around or inside out...listen, I'm not interested in the money, okay, what I'm interested in is, we need to come up with some kind of an agreement that everyone in the neighborhood is going to be satisfied and is going to accept. We can't have a war here. We got people sitting on one side of the room and people sitting on the other side of the room, and, it's you folks that are going to make this or break this. Because if you don't make it, they're going to be back before us three months from now, you spent fifty-thousand dollars and we have to take everything apart. [6:18] So I'm going to ask you folks, are you going to show up not wearing profanity shirts? Are you going to use, allow profanity on the playground when there's other kids younger than you there, because if you are, I'm going to personally come down there myself and say look this is not acceptable. And, number three, are you going to set up a little committee that's going to have littering, and by the way we do recycle in this town, you going to have a recycling bin for us?

First and foremost, we should already have things set up that deal with the trash, that deal with the...

Are you folks going to do this?

If I have to move back to Rhode Island, to ensure that the kids of Rhode Island have a park to skate? I will. I just flew 3,000 miles to talk with you.

And they have an issue with swearing, profanity. How are you going to handle that?

Once again, you can't...Freedom of Speech. (inadudible) I personally will voice my opinions to the person, I have no problem doing that.

What about your friends behind there?

My friends, behind me, first and foremost what they did...

Mr. President, I'd like to move the question. I think we've debated this long enough.

Well, wait a minute now...we need to settle this. We can't just have people walking out without an agreement.

He's not part of our group

I know, but he's going to be a role model...

Move the question

We've heard both sides here now tonight, what I'm going to tell you is what I think, and then the Council will decide what they're going to do. I don't know why the two sides can't get together here, cuz is looks like you have a side here that has worked since 1996, Mr. Dennis Canario here was a detective at that time, so what I'd like to see you do is both sides get together and come up with a workable system. What I'm hearing here tonight is that this is not going to be a large skate park, it's going to be for younger children. [voices]

Don't leave...

Karen, please

They're having a problem back there, they're saying that it's not true

Just...please...Karen... We've heard your side, we've heard both sides, I'd like to hear the Council what they have to say.

Full disclosure: I am a resident of Island Park and a member of the group supporting the skate park.

Cross-posted at RI Future.

Update: Correction to Aquiel Brathwaite's first name. The sound system wasn't working in the chamber on Monday, but that's really no excuse. Just missed this one. Sorry.


Wasn't it Cat Stevens who said....

"I know we've come a long long way
but tell me
Where do the children play?"

While I am certain there are some honest opponents, many of them seem to be ignorant.

I promised myself....when growing up...that I would NEVER turn into one of those people who stopped understanding the needs of children. No over-55 community for me, thanks!

But I think it is in the cards for many Island Park residents.

Listen, just because you are miserable, don't make everyone else that way! Anything like this should be an automatic "go"....with the caveats that the very close neighbors have to be kept in mind (with the hours, etc.).....

I consider Island Park to be a hidden gem of Rhode Island, and one of the best and safest places to raise your children. In essence a community where we look out for each other and our children. A place where a kid can be a kid. We have so much to offer our children, including but not limited to, the cove, the beach, the playground, planned activities and most importantly safe streets that our children can walk, ride bikes and play on. A skate park would only enhance the experience of growing up in Island Park. I know that there are some who oppose the park but their opposition, in my opinion, is not well founded. Trash, language, noise all can be a problem but problems that are easily addressed and solved. Parents will step up and let their children know that this behavior will not be tolerated at the park just as it is not tolerated in the home. A skate park can be an asset to both young and old - enjoy watching the children learn new skills, improve their talents, and remember fondly the carefree time of just being a kid. Who knows we my have another Joel Brathwaite just waiting to be discovered. Wouldn't that be grand?