Help MERI postcard WaterFire

Marriage Equality Rhode Island (MERI) is planning to distribute postcards to attendees at this weekend's WaterFire in the "largest community education and support-gathering event" in their history, according to a posting on their blog and Facebook page.

According to the MERI blog, "We will be talking directly to the public about the need for marriage equality in Rhode Island, answering questions and collecting postcards to deliver to state legislators. Over 35,000 people are expected to attend this weekend’s WaterFire, which is why Saturday night has the potential to be the biggest outreach and postcarding push in MERI’s history."

If you think it's time that Rhode Island joined our neighbors in respecting the rights of all our citizens, you can click over to their site and make a donation, or volunteer some time on Saturday.

A contribution of $15 could mean 250 more postcards going to the RI Legislature, and numbers are what will convince the leadership to move on this. I just donated. Will you join me?

Visit MERI to read more and make a donation.