FERC sez LNG subject to another DOT safety review

FERC letter 9/22
FERC letter from 9/22; click image for PDF.

In what appears to be another hurdle for the Fall River LNG terminal, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a letter Wednesday spelling out the need for additional review by the Department of Transportation (DOT) group responsible for pipeline safety, according to a document made available to harddeadlines.

The letter, from the FERC's LNG Engineering Branch, specifies that plans for Weaver's Cove required additional information be submitted for review by the DOT Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA).

Long-time LNG opponent Rep. Ray Gallison (D-69), who provided the letter, called the action a positive step for those fighting the facility. "Weaver's Cove Energy LLC will be required to develop and submit, to the Pipeline and Materials Safety Administration, a design spill exclusion zone model," said Gallison. "This is important to our continued battle against this project, as it affirms that Weaver's Cove Energy LLC must comply with another federal agency's regulations, in this case, the Pipeline and Materials Safety Administration."

Localblogging, 02871, LNG

RI delegation seeks FERC LNG visit

CODEL letter to FERC
Click image to view letter (pdf)

The Rhode Island congressional delegation has asked the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to visit the state to see the proposed LNG site firsthand and discuss concerns with state and local officials, according to a letter obtained by harddeadlines.

The letter to FERC chairman Jon Wellinghoff, provided by Rep. Ray Gallison (D-69), notes that while the facility would be located in Massachusetts, "the project would arguably have a more profound effect on Rhode Island. Yet, Rhode Island's formal role in approving this project has been severely limited."

Senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse and Representatives Patrick Kennedy and Jim Langevin signed the letter, which asks the FERC chair to visit RI with his fellow commissioners to meet with the delegation and state and local officials and visit the site of the project.

Editorial note: I want to thank our delegation for their persistence. I think it would be a great idea to have FERC come see the Mt. Hope bridge and upper bay and explain directly to the communities living right along the shore just how this could possibly be safe. *cough* Gulf of Mexico *cough*

You can read/download the letter here (PDF).

Localblogging, 02871, LNG