
DEM to air new cesspool rules in Portsmouth tonight

The RI Department of Environmental Management is holding a public workshop on changes to their ISDS standards at the Portsmouth Town Hall tonight at 7pm, according to a posting on the DEM Web site.

Am I the only one for whom this is a surprise? Good communications plan there, folks. And, not to be paranoid, but is the DEM's sudden appearance in Portsmouth just one of those random coincidences?

If you can't make it tonight, there's a public comment period and a hearing date specified in the link above. I downloaded the Draft Rules, and it is 137 pages of strikethroughs and insertions. If you live in Island Park, you'll want to take a peek.

Localblogging, Drupal, Wastewater

hard deadlines goes mobile, racks up visits

Friday night is the perfect news lull to test out a new feature — if you're reading this on a BlackBerry®, iPhone®, or other mobile device, you should be seeing a lower-bandwidth version of the site. It's a first step in an ongoing redesign effort occupying my copious free time between work and meetings. (If today were nicer, we would have been at the Corn Maze tonight...)

Also in the navel-gazing department, sometime in the last week the site passed 100,000 visits since I turned on the sitemeter tracking widget in mid 2006. Normally, I don't put a lot of stock in large round numbers, but, as I said, it's a slow Friday night.

Thanks, everyone, for spending some of your time here.

Localblogging, 02871, Drupal

Vote for a friend's t-shirt design

chameleonmind - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More
Click to go vote.

One of my sf writer buddies, Lis Mitchell, is also an artist, and has a design up on Threadless.com. If you like it, you can vote it up and maybe it'll end up on a t-shirt.

Makes me think of Carl Sagan's "R-Complex" from The Dragons of Eden...

Localblogging, Drupal, Personal, sf